Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Hi, this is our first essay for this blog.The tittle that was given is world poverty.Here we state our opinion.
           We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. Poverty was and still is the biggest and the most serious killer in the world. Many people don’t die because of illness like AIDS and Malaria but because of the fact that they are so poor that they can’t survive.

           Did you ever think? Enjoying your new shoes and clothes? Enjoying your food, coffee, and leather couches? Well, as we sit comfortably here in the Malaysia, think about the rest of the world where our great wonders and daily supplies come from ... check your labels and you’ll see that the Third World is our main supplier of cheap goods and leisure items. Even drugs like opium fall into the category of Third World products, it’s the only way for many farmers to make a living. We may enjoy our acquisitions, but what about the people on the other side of the equation? 

            Consider the billionaires, with all their money, more than any human could spend in a lifetime and gained from management and ripping apart rivals, while countless others slave and die to provide their cars, lawns and houses. How do billionaires benefit society? What do they do but encourage people to smash others into the mud and to snatch fortune for one’s greedy self? The title is quite fitting - Billionaire: the accumulation of capital stolen from a billion people.There is enough food and labor in the world to save them, but to do so, no one person can have as much wealth as the billionaires do. We cry about our wars and property rights and then hail capitalism as the most humane and free system. 

           However, look at the Third World and see the people dying every year because of our “free world” and “free markets,” and the others who suffer and live a pathetic existence because of greedy individuals. Most workers in those nations lead lives of poverty, unable to purchase anything to enjoy life, and even capitalist nations’ workers, though benefited by the starvation of the Third World, still endure lives in which they can’t strive to become anything. There are only so many scholarships, and a youth of poverty and misery remains a scar through one’s lifetime. “Free world” indeed. Globalization is spreading quickly and both capitalist and Third World nations are feeling the weight, yet it is not the rich taking the blow, but the common people.

             If we stop poverty, we will save many peoples’ lives. Life is so hard and if we don’t help these people, who will do that? Let’s support this cause, because this is the way that we can see smiles on childrens’ faces and we can make some childrens’ dreams come true. Poverty destroys many childrens’ dreams and it is time to say stop. It is time to integrate with each other for one cause because these people need us, it is time to show that we have golden hearts and we really understand how serious the problem with hunger is and it is time to be people and to show that we care not only for ourselves, but also for others in our planet. So let’s help before it is too late and let’s show these people that they are not alone and somebody, somewhere cares about them.

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